Female monk names diablo 3
Female monk names diablo 3

female monk names diablo 3 female monk names diablo 3

Within the cloisters of the Patriarchs, the Monks endure harsh trials both physical and spiritual, proving their devotion and attaining unmatched focus in battle.ĭaily ritualistic cleansings help monks purify their spirits and overcome the corruption that gnaws at the hearts of all men. I know these aren't the original Avengers from the comics, but as I was watching the movie for the 3rd time, and anticipating Diablo III tomorrow night, my brain started to combine the two.Among Sanctuary's most deadly warriors, the monks of the Sahptev faith train their bodies and minds so that they may become the foremost holy warriors of the land of Ivgorod. This doesn't cover all the Avengers so I will continue with my hardcore characters, making my hardcore barbarian Hulk, my hardcore wizard Loki, and my hardcore monk Captain America. Tomorrow night I will role my main barbarian and name him Thor, my wizard will be Iron Man, my witch doctor Nick Fury (because he is the puppet master of the Avengers, not because they are both black), my female monk Black Widow, my demon hunter Hawkeye. I've always been a Avengers fan, ever since I was a kid, so I've decided to name my characters according to the personality profiles, fighting styles, and physical charachterisitcs of the Avengers. Hey guys, I know that the battle tag system is taking the place of unique and individual character names as far as player identification, but I still loved coming up with names for my characters in the beta. Last updated at 14:00:17 UTC Weekly Help Desk RAGE Loot Thread Trade Thread

Female monk names diablo 3